Daily Prompt Challenge – Textures

textures 2

Carpet soft as cotton,
Benches sturdy and still
Amazing the provisions
in the quiet and the still
Of the forest, of the places
where many never go
in this solitude this quiet
There is wonder to behold

The solitude of silence
Beckons those who hear
The beauty of the forest
Is for more than eyes and ears

so sit awhile to listen
on a bench still yet a tree
feel the gentle earth beneath you
and above a canopy
A canopy of color
Breathes of leaves and branches tall
Breathe in the air, the color
in the beauty of the Fall
Breathe in and rest awhile
feel the wonder of it all

Exodus 15:11
“Who among the gods is like you, LORD? Who is like you– majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?”


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